Saturday, June 15, 2013

Marshmallow Pops!

My son's birthday is in July so I wanted to make something simple for him to bring into school this week to share with his friends to celebrate his summer birthday early! 

He helped me make these beautiful and amazingly easy marshmallow pops! 

Here they are wrapped up and ready!

 These are so easy to make and the kids can help too! Here is what you need:

Marshmallows (any size and flavor)
Lollipop sticks (you can get these at Michael's)
Melting chocolate


-Melt your chocolate according to the package directions.

-Dip the lollipop stick into the chocolate and then insert it into the marshmallow (this just helps it stay on the stick).
-Swirl the marshmallow into the chocolate and sprinkle with any type of topping or sprinkles you'd like to use.
-Stick them in some Styrofoam so they can dry upright.
-Wrap them in clear bags and tie with a ribbon! 

Here is what they look like when they're drying.  This is simply a foam block from a craft store and I used a stick to make some pre made holes.

I chose to display them in a wooden utensil holder but you can set them up in a glass vase, on a platter or any way you'd like! Be creative!

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